Monday, June 29, 2009

la porte rouge: Nadia n' aime pas....

I snapped today's pictures while walking Bella today...

Firstly, my progress report on the weekend's effort toward the Novel Project. I am glad to report that I spent my weekend immersed in brainstorming and research. I learned a lot about what might be appropriate for my novel and what would perhaps not work as well. I got knee deep into understanding Dualism theories and how they might apply to the believability of the technical details of "The Idea". I was pleasantly surprised to find exactly what I was looking for to explain the how of what I want to write about.

So much for the rudimentary plot - I have it within grasp. I can let this percolate and work on it and the characters I will need to bring it to fruition over the next week or so.

In Nadia's post of last Tuesday la porte rouge: Nadia n' aime pas.... she started a game of n'aime pas/aime. When I last checked it there were 23 followers who left comments regarding n'aime pas and aime. Of course I spend a quick 4 minutes to compile an "off the top of my head list" and then left my entry:

Peggy n'aime pas:
. grumpy, stupid, ignorant, intolerant, rude or messy people

. razor stubble rubbing on my face while in passionate embrace

. the sound that is made when someone won't admit they need to blow their nose

. crumbs in the bed
. road rage outbursts

. blue cheese

. cheapskates (when it comes time to figure out the tip )

. one way friends (you call them - they never call you or anyone else)

Peggy aime:
. freshly laundered bed linens
. big hello hugs (or for a select few big kiss hellos)

. chocolate in all its forms

. hot summer nights
. happy, silly, funny or intense people

. long walks to anywhere
. eating in bed
. long conversations about stuff
. my dog Bella
. rice pudding
. Saturday morning coffee while lounging in bed

Do you care to play "n'aime pas/aime"? - leave it in a comment...