I received the most wonderful parcel in the mail. You may recall that I was participating in a Blog Swap that
Nadia had organized.
(Go Here to see that post). Well, I received my parcel in the mail and I am so happy to meet (through her choice of items) this lovely bloggist!
Consequently, I am sitting here listening to the fantastic CD that Sheila who writes
BlueGreenEyesYellowButterflies made for me. I am so thrilled, the music is wonderful and all music that I love and oddly enough, do not have. The items included are so pretty and I just don't know how to thank Sheila enough. I have the pretty box set on my bedside table with the rest of the contents tucked inside.
I will also share that there are some uncanny coincidences with this pairing of bloggists. When I went to her profile -
In Another Lifetime - I was pleasantly surprised that two of her four Favourite Movies (#1 and #2) are on my all time top 10 list. The other two I surely must now rent and see. Also, in a comment she left me, Sheila mentioned that "Into the Mystic", which I blogged about a couple of times ago, is a favourite song of hers also. I bet that she and I have much more in common.
The post cards are so very pretty, and I am so very touched with the care and attention she put into her selections and her carefully worded and very kind note. Thank you Sheila for bringing me Christmas in June!
Meanwhile we have had our first dose of the really hot humid weather of summer. It is my favourite time of year. Give me heat over cold anytime, in fact figuring out a way to escape south each year is high on my list of things I need to do - but I digress.
My Progress on "The Project"As you recall, I am now reviewing elements of characters and viewpoints. From character to story, from story to character, like bricks and mortar. Milieu, idea, character and event all need to be worked on together. Having thought about that a bit, I need to work out some of the specifics of plot and other technical details as I gather my characters and get to know them well. I will need time to sit and think and do some "what if'ing" on this. The coming weeks will need to be a "composting" time for hatching, evaluating and fleshing out ideas.
I chatted with my Montreal friend about some of the technical details regarding transitions and he had some alternate thoughts that I need to consider which would affect the plot and characterization. It was quite the discussion. Funny how people have entirely different ideas on how something should go. I will admit, I have a preconceived notion of what the theme should be and listening to someone tell me I should think about diverting 180 degrees was not what I was ready to entertain. But I will need to give it some thought. The central question is whether the technical detail central to the theme is so out there that it is beyond belief. I don't want to write anything that requires a belief in magic.
He did however agree that it was a most wonderful and exciting idea and no doubt allow me to produce a great novel. :)
This weekend I will sit on my balcony and dream about how things might develop for these alternate plot ideas to see which ones seem right and if any/all present the reader with something that won't fly. I think I will also try and sketch out for each of the alternates the main characters to see how they fit and what seems right and best to me.
I snapped this picture last Monday night. There were some gorgeous pink and grey skies and it made for spectacular daydreaming.