After leaving GopherBrokeFarm on Saturday morning, after John's Birthday party, I decided to take the scenic route through the Pretty River Valley over to Collingwood. It was raining and there was fog which obscured the Blue Mountains on either side, but that just made it seem a bit spooky. I got out along the way and snapped a few pictures.
Pretty River Conservation Area
This park has provincially significant geological features related to glacial and post-glacial processes along one of the highest point of the Niagara Escarpment. Features include meltwater channels, moraine and talus slopes. Over 400 species of Vascular plants such as ferns, clubmosses, flowering plants and conifers have been identified in the park.
After I got to Collingwood,
I went downtown and shopped a bit and then met Barb for a coffee at "The Hitching Post". After that I went to my place, picked up my folks and took them out to celebrate Mother's Day and to thank Dad for hooking up my new water heater that week.
Sunday I finally got my snow tires taken off the car (yes, I do miss having a man in my life to tend to such things!) and then home again to my place in Toronto to catch up on chores and blogs.
Toronto and Another Cold Weather Alert
The radio nudged me awake today at 7:30. Most often, the guys on CBC Radio
help me to start my day. "It is minus 21, minus 30 with windchill this
10 years ago